Training officers, and vetted civilians, in sharpening skills to survive dangerous encounters.
The only guaranteed miss, is the shot
not taken.
After a 25 year career in Law Enforcement, with 10 years as a SWAT officer, I decided to help people and fellow Officers with some of the most basic of all needs, self reliance and self defense. Focusing on firearms training, and becoming more aware of things going on around you, I'll help you become comfortable and proficient in defensive use of firearms. The most important thing I can do, is to give you what you need to Legally, Morally, and Ethically defend your life or the life of another, (family, or strangers) and be able to, with out question, justify the actions you took to stop a lethal or great bodily injury threat. I attend other classes, by world class instructors, to pass along pertinent information as well as the latest techniques to help you survive deadly threats, learn the latest tactics used by the criminal element of society. Is this not time to take your safety back in these unprecedented times?